As Per Our Conversation
As Per Our Conversation

As Per Our Conversation

For those who have sent or received business emails, chances are, they’ve already come across the phrase “as per our conversation” or have sent their own message or email using this term. Most of the time, without really knowing what it means. 

As per our conversation actually refers to a result of a conversation, takeaway, or agreement that a person had with another. Oftentimes, it’s used to remind that other person(s) of something that was previously discussed, and on occasion, serve as a reminder of an obligation that they agreed to. 

Some might say the phrase is often used to tell the recipient of the message that, “Hey, we’ve already talked about this,” or even, “We agreed on this and you haven’t held up your end of the bargain,” which makes it perhaps the most passive-aggressive phrase relayed across different industries.   

Is it Correct to Say “As Per Our Conversation?” 

Using the phrase to reference a past conversation is perfectly fine. It is generally used for written correspondence, such as letters and emails, rather than when having spoken conversations. 

It’s highly-acceptable and mostly encountered in the workplace, whether on memos or other documents of general correspondence. It is not uncommon for many people to use the phrase in such settings, perhaps a little too much at times, making it somewhat of a cliché. 

Examples of How the Phrase “as per our conversation” is used

Here’s how the phrase is commonly used in everyday conversations together with suggested alternatives to convey a particular message differently: 

When reminding another person or party of an obligation 

Per our conversation is often used to remind another person of the obligation they agreed to, in a polite manner, specifically in instances wherein the other party has failed to uphold their end of the bargain or doesn’t remember agreeing to it. 

For example: “I’m expecting you to deliver the signed service agreement by the end of this day, as per our conversation.”  

Suggested alternatives: 

  • “As discussed.” 
  • “As promised.” 
  • “As agreed.” 
  • “Last time we spoke” 

Sample application: “Last time we spoke, you agreed to send the service agreement by the end of this day. Will you still be able to?” 

The second example is the more friendly and straightforward way to say the phrase while still conveying the message that reminds of the previous conversation and agreed upon takeaways.

When clarifying a message 

As per our conversation is also used to clarify a message that’s communicated previously. This is commonly done to ensure both parties are on the same page since messages sometimes get lost in translation through countless meetings and seemingly endless email threads. 

For example: “As per our conversation, I wanted to clarify the goods we ordered will be sent to the new address, while the billing address stays the same.” 

Suggested alternatives: 

  • “I’d like to make sure we’re on the same page.” 
  • “To clarify.” 
  • “I have a question about our conversation earlier.” 

Sample application: “I’d like to make sure we’re on the same page after our last meeting. To clarify, the goods we ordered will be sent to the new address, while the billing address stays the same.” 

The latter is more conversational and gets to the heart of the matter at once while avoiding to sound accusatory or territorial. 

When keeping a record of key takeaways from conversations 

When working with a large team or to bring new personnel up to speed with how things are done, it’s necessary to keep a written record of agreements and meeting takeaways. It’s fairly common for details to fall through or get lost in this type of setup. To prevent staff from being lost in the maze of unfamiliar steps and processes, the trusty “as per our conversation” phrase is often used. 

For example: “As per our conversation, you’ve agreed to set up a meeting with the executive board, present the agenda, and coordinate with me regarding the logistics.” 

Suggested alternatives: 

  • “Here are the next steps.” 
  • “I wrote the key points of our meeting.” 
  • “Here are the key takeaways from our meeting.” 

Sample application: “Here are the key takeaways from our meeting. 1. You will set up a meeting with the executive board, 2. You will present meeting participants with the agenda, 3. We will work together regarding the logistics.” 

Again, the latter is the more descriptive and less-formal approach. Everybody will find it easier to see what the next steps are and can even search for the “key takeaways” in their inboxes if they need a refresher while serving as clear documentation that helps keep every project organized. 

When informing on progress 

 When business partners and other stakeholders need to be updated on the progress of a particular project, “as per our conversation” is an easy habit to fall back into. Although in this context, the use of the phrase isn’t as descriptive and can seem overly formal. 

For example: “As per our conversation, I’ve spoken with the legal department, and we’ve made appropriate changes to the contract.” 

Suggested alternatives: 

  • “After we spoke” 
  • “As promised.” 
  • “Following our conversation.”
  • “To update you on my progress.” 
  • “As agreed upon.”

Sample Application: “After our last conversation, I’ve spoken with the legal department, and we’ve made appropriate adjustments to the contract.” 

This is a simpler way to inform other people, even other departments, that a specific action has already been done which yielded a particular result. As such, everybody’s free to move forward with the rest of the transaction.  

Fresh Variations

Since the phrase “as per our conversation” is already overused, it helps to know a couple of its variations to catch listeners’ attention or avoid predictable speech patterns that cause boring conversations.

Here are sample scenarios and specific examples: 

When explaining the results of a conversation 

 Instead of saying: “as per our conversation.” 

Try: ‘pursuant to our conversation” or “in pursuance of our conversation.” 

Pursuant means “in accordance with,” while pursuance refers to executing or carrying out a specific task. “Pursuant to” and “in pursuance of” our conversation may be used when action follows as a result of a discussion. 

Sample application: “Pursuant to our conversation, I have enclosed a rough sketch of the floor plan. If it meets your approval, please return the sketch, together with the down payment, in the details I provided.” 

Although some may find these two phrases to be too formal for non-legal correspondence and may not exactly be used in everyday conversations, they are often worth trying for the sake of variety. 

When summarizing 

It is essential to practice summarizing a conversation to create a record that can ensure that both parties understand each other or serve as a reference for future use. In both cases, “according to” may be used and is the most appropriate phrase to recap a conversation. 

Instead of saying: “as per our conversation.” 

Try: “according to our conversation.” 

Sample application #1: “According to our conversation, the following updates will go live on Monday, October 19: The new webpage will go live. We will implement casual Tuesdays. Employee discounts will increase from 10% to 15% of the sales price. Did I miss anything?”

Sample application # 2: “According to our conversation, articles will be due this morning, until further notice.” 

The Handbook of Technical Writing classifies the word “per” as jargon when it’s used to refer to “according to,” which is another reason to avoid using the phrase “per our conversation.” 

At present, everyday correspondence can get too busy and crowded, making it more important for everyone to leave no room for misunderstanding– passive-aggressive undertone or otherwise. 

Surely, there are more concise and conversational alternatives to be more persuasive, forge collaborative relationships with peers, and get messages across.  

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