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More than ever, the competition among businesses to attract attention and win-over customers has become doubly intense. That’s why owners implement numerous marketing tactics to stay ahead, including email marketing for startup businesses.  

Contrary to the belief that email is only a supplementary or “add-on” strategy, it’s as crucial as other marketing strategies, such as social media and SEO. Although marketers have been predicting its demise for many years, email remains a powerful tool until today.


Significance of Email Marketing Strategy for Businesses 

The primary significance of using email as a marketing strategy lies in providing optimal ROI for a business. It’s also a proven technique for brands looking to reach a broader target audience who’s ready to make a purchase.  

Overall, utilizing emails as part of a business’s digital marketing toolbox helps by:

  • Driving more web traffic 
  • Boosting sales 
  • Increasing revenue 

As a bonus, email marketing is, by far, one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies that generate positive results. For this reason, more than 80% of startup and small-scale businesses rely on emails to acquire new clients.

Benefits of an Email Marketing Campaign for Startup Businesses 

The following are some of the main benefits that startup businesses get to enjoy from a well-planned email marketing campaign: 

  • Sound online business reputation 
  • Better brand recognition 
  • Wider reach of a broader target market 
  • Increased web traffic and sales conversions 
  • Boost in overall sales and revenue  
  • Development of a long-term business-customer relationship

Potentially, email marketing produces four times the output of other marketing channels like social media, direct mail, and paid search. This kind of return should suffice to make startup businesses, or businesses in general, utilize email marketing as the cornerstone of their digital marketing strategy. 

Proven Email Marketing Strategies to Grow Startups


Here are the practical email marketing tips that startup businesses can implement today to maximize their ROI opportunity:

Create Persuasive Content 

Companies need to keep in mind that potential clients only subscribe to their email list to receive value. This value comes in the form of helpful content that they can use to solve a particular problem. Providing the type of content that makes its readers’ lives better makes the company an invaluable source of information. 

If they’re able to come up with click-worthy content consistently, they’ll be able to entice subscribers to read their blog content and click on the link they provide. In time, these prospective clients become legitimate leads, then eventually paying customers. 

Everything is hinged with the production of valuable and persuasive content. Suffice to say, without it, any email marketing campaign won’t go anywhere. 

Personalize Email Messages 

Personalization is an integral part of any email marketing campaign. Marketing personalization enables businesses to develop a product or service that fulfills their target market’s specific needs.

Companies can now craft email messages to benefit their ideal buyers by incorporating personalization in their email marketing strategy. These messages are explicitly crafted to satisfy the requirements of particular subscribers in the mailing list.  

Personalized email marketing is notably effective because it allows marketers to utilize consumers’ personal information (e.g., purchase history) to develop targeted email campaigns.  

In particular, personalization is beneficial to any email marketing campaign because it: 

  • improves the customer experience significantly.
  • creates more opportunities to increase sales and revenue.
  • boosts brand loyalty. 
  • makes it easier for a company to retain its customers. 

Optimize Emails for Mobile Devices 

From 2010 to 2015, email messages opened on mobile devices increased by 30%. This change created a challenge for marketers who only thought about how emails would look on different email clients. They soon realized that their business was missing out on engaging subscribers and maximizing opportunities to drive results. 

No doubt that at present, the majority of consumers are also mobile device users. In the US, statistics show that the average internet user spends up to 5.4 hours daily on mobile devices, and 70% of consumers prefer to find relevant reviews using their mobile phones while in retail stores. 

Some of the actionable tips on making mobile-friendly emails are as follows: 

  • Keep the subject line length of emails under 25-30 characters to make them look great on mobile devices. 
  • Make use of pre-header text, the length of which varies depending on the device (mobile phone or tablet) and email client.  
  • Create bodies of text that are short, scannable, and easily understandable for readers. 
  • Use images so that they’re optional and support the surrounding text rather than the reverse. 
  • Create CTAs that cater to busy, on-the-go readers. They should get to the point quickly and convey what the readers should do upfront. 

Use Multimedia to Reinforce Email Marketing Campaigns

Multimedia such as videos and emojis, in particular, are the best digital marketing elements that a business can use to drive traffic and increase engagement. Both are considered marketing assets because they make emails more compelling and interactive. 


  • At least 60% of recipients open an email that has an emoji in the subject lines. 
  • Relevant emojis increase email open rates by 50% compared to those that are text-only. 
  • 64% of consumers will open emails that have their favorite emojis in the subject line. 

Less than 10% of marketing emails have emojis in the subject line to date. That doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be used. This figure provides a tremendous opportunity for a brand to showcase its uniqueness and test using emojis with its audience. 

Video Marketing 

On the other hand, videos have also become an integral part of a highly effective marketing strategy. Any marketing material with a video enjoys increased engagement because it easily grabs attention and compels users to click. 

Email recipients easily relate to videos, find them to be exciting and as interactive as emojis.    

Grow an Email List 

An email list is a group of subscribers who are either customers or site visitors of a particular business. It is a library of email addresses collected over time through its website, blog posts, and other marketing platforms. 

These people willingly provided their email addresses to receive content from the company, such as newsletters, promotional emails, and other marketing messages. 

Growing an email list is essential for a business to maximize its gains with its email marketing campaign. Companies need to use the best email marketing tools to grow their email list in the least amount of time possible and make money off it. 

They can utilize their preferred email software to create a landing page that organically helps grow their email list. 

Key Takeaway 

What’s unique about email marketing that sets it apart from other forms of marketing is that it provides any business an opportunity to communicate one-on-one with its customers. 

In summary, email marketing for startup businesses should be fully customizable. What’s more, it should be personalized and sent to a targeted audience based on an almost limitless combination of factors. 

Undoubtedly, it’s one of the best marketing strategies for growing startup businesses faster when appropriately utilized. 

A Step by Step Guide to Starting and Growing your HVAC Company

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